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About DWLA

Who We Are

The Dallas Women Lawyers Association is a non-profit organization uniting for the mutual benefit of women attorneys and to elevate the standing of women in the legal profession.

From these early meetings emerged the Dallas Women Lawyers Association (DWLA). By 1980, DWLA was meeting for regular monthly luncheons at the Belo Mansion. In 1984, DWLA incorporated as a non-profit organization, and included in its purposes uniting for the mutual benefit of women attorneys and elevating the standing of women in the legal profession.

Read a message from Chelsea Hilliard, DWLA President

Our History

The idea of creating the history of the organization was conceived while Dena DeNooyer Stroh was President of the organization in 2017. Along with Dena, a committee that included Tiffanie Limbrick, Heather New, Katie Bishkin, Angela Hough, Sam Abdullah and Maria Vizzo worked to compile the history from the beginning of the organization when a group of female attorneys in Dallas began to meet regularly to prepare programs and activities for the ABA Convention to be held in Dallas in 1969. Founding members include Louise Raggio, Judge Sarah T. Hughes and Joann Peters. After their success at the ABA Convention, the group continued to meet informally for mutual support.

The History of DWLA made its debut at the 50th Anniversary Reception of the Dallas Women Lawyers Association at the Old Red Courthouse and Museum on March 27th, 2019.

DWLA 50th Anniversary

Anniversary History Video

The video History of DWLA included many past Presidents, Raggio Award Recipients and Board Members.

Anniversary Reception

Revisit the 50th Anniversary Reception celebration, March 27, 2019 at Old Red Museum and Courthouse.

History of Presidents and Raggio Winners

2024Stephanie Almeter
2023Alison Ashmore
2022Marisa O’Sullivan
2021Jennifer A. King
2020Stephanie Culpepper
2019Sarah Rogers
2018Stephanie Osteen
2017Dena DeNooyer Stroh
2016Angela Zambrano
2015Nicole Knox
2014Alyson Blatney
2013Michelle Hartmann
2012Christy Jump
2011Krisi Kastl
2010Susan Steger
2009Linda Szuhy Ressetar
2008Kathryn Veech
2007Mariah B. Quiroz
2006Rachel E. Montes
2005T. Sloan Rawlins
2004Karen McCloud
2003Laura Benitez Geisler
2002Misty Ventura
2001Norma Shirk
2000Christina Melton Crain
1999Nikki Carmody James
1998Cynthia Figueroa
1997Cate Kneeland
1996Barbara Lombrano-Williamson
1995Nancye Bethurem
1994Irene Jackson
1993Tresi Moore (Freemyer) Weeks
1992Carol A. Wilson
1991Kelly Robbins Harrington
1990Camille R. McLeod
1989Christina E. Mancuso
1988Elise Galler Gold
1987Louise Hytken
1986Adrienne Leonard
1985Therese Ruffing
2024Honorable Robbie Partida-Kipness
2023Liz Fraley
2022Honorable Dennise Garcia
2021Honorable Irma Ramirez
2020Hilda Galvan
2019Charla Aldous
2018Mary Emma Karam
2017Sarah Saldaña
2016Lisa Blue Baron
2015Michael K. Hurst
2014Sally Crawford
2013Honorable Jane J. Boyle
2012Michele Wong Krause
2011Patricia Montes
2010Honorable Nikki DeShazo
2009Yvette Ostolaza
2008Mary Alice McLarty
2007Honorable Karen Gren Johnson
2006Kathleen Wu
2005J. Lee Baldwin
2004Honorable Catharina Haynes
2003Kim Askew
2002Christina Melton Crain
2001Maureen Armour
2000Honorable Carolyn Wright
1999Nina Cortell
1998Honorable Elizabeth Lang-Miers
1997Honorable Linda Thomas
1996Harriet E. Miers
1995Adelfa B. Callejo
1994Jo Ann Peters
1993Annette Stewart
1992Honorable Barbara M.G. Lynn

Elevate With DWLA

Become a Member

Membership with DWLA is open to both women and men in law, government employees and the judiciary.

Get Involved

DWLA offers a variety of programs and social activities to the legal community and professional women.

Partner With DWLA

Elevate your brand while empowering women in law. Discover sponsorship opportunities with DWLA.

Career Opportunities

Promoting diversity and inclusion in the legal profession – Find talent or find the next step in your career.