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Thank you for visiting the Dallas Women Lawyers Association (DWLA) website. DWLA provides information on this site as a service to our members and to the community. The information on this site, however, is not legal advice. It is material and resources that may help you toward a positive resolution of your current legal situation, or it may help you learn more about the legal system in general. This site and the information contained on it should not be used as a substitute for the counsel and services that you may need from an attorney. DWLA is not responsible for the consequences of using or relying upon any information found on this site. The legal community is an ever-changing environment, and new laws and regulations are passed regularly. We make every attempt to update our site frequently to bring quality information, tools and resources to you on a regular basis. Like many sites, we have relationships with professional third party institutions and vendors, and we link you to them. However, we are not responsible for the content found on their websites.